Rainbow popsicles made from Revl Fruits juices

Rainbow Popsicles

  • When’s the last time you had a popsicle? Or felt good about giving your kids one? Let’s change that. We’re taking frozen and fruity goodness back, starting with this simple recipe.

  • Prep Time

    10 min

  • Freeze Time

    8+ hours

  • Servings


  • Kitchen utensils needed

    • Silicone or plastic popsicle mold
  • Ingredients

    • Revl Fruits™ Wild Berry Juice (1 carton)
    • Revl Fruits™ Truly Tropical Juice (1 carton)
  • Directions

    1. Start with cold juice. Alternate juice flavors so you have at least two layers. Add as many layers as you like!

    2. Put a small amount of Revl Fruits™ Truly Tropical Juice in the bottom of each mold. Put the mold in the freezer until firm, about 30 minutes.

    3. Next use Revl Fruits™ Wild Berry Juice for the next layer. Pop it back in the freezer again until solid, about 30 minutes.

    4. When you are about 1/2 of the way filled, take the frozen mold out of the freezer and insert the popsicle sticks into each mold. 

    5. Keep adding and building layers to your taste buds’ content.

    6. Freeze overnight for best results. 

Revl Fruits Berry Wild carton of 100% juice.


Berry Wild 100% juice is straight-up yum and wildly refreshing with cranberry, pomegranate and açcai juice and a splash of coconut water.

Hit Us Up

100% juice No added sugar Less sugar Splash of coconut water No artificial sweeteners Non-GMO